Algorithm or Pseudocode and time complexity analysis for calculating maximum and minimum value from an array using divide and conqure method

Algorithm for calculating max and min value from an array:
    Algorithm maxmin(int low, int high, int max, int min)
    //low, high are used as index
    //max, min are used as max & min value
        if(low == high) then
            min: = arr[low];
            max: = arr[high];
        else if((high -1 ) == low) then
            if(arr[low] < arr[high]) then
                max: = arr[high];
                min: = arr[low];
                min: = arr[high];
                max: = arr[low];
            mid: = (low + high)/2;
            maxmin(low, mid, max, min);
            maxmin(mid+1, high, max1, min1);
            if(max < max1) then
                max: = max1;
            if (min>min1) then
                min: = min1;

Total time required for finding max and min value using divide and Conquer method:

So, in the asymptotic notation the time complexity of this algorithm is represented by O(n).



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